[Cal Solache]

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Alvaro vive actualmente en Leon.
Trabaja en varios proyectos siendo teamtowers y comunitats.org a los que más tiempo dedica.
Puedes ampliar info sobre sus proyectos vía su curriculum

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martes, diciembre 28, 2004


Team Towers

Felix Miret

Team Towers it's the project form Felix Miret, Felix Miret it's one of the Stars form "The Castellers de Vilafranca" ,

He's teaching all kind of teams the power of buidling together.
with the beautiful metaphor of the human towers tipical form Catalonia.
It's pure Emotion.
You won't forget it.
And you'll want to try again!!
Just think about beeing part of that building.
Part of something big,beatiful,impresive!!!

click photo to enlarge

You are just a Brick but without you we can't build such a big human Castle

Felix is one of the ones that are the base , the heart of the Castle, he use to have five or six people over him.

You Can see him with the Castellers de Vilafranca in tha main Sesions Castelleres form Catalonia and if you want over the world with you as part off them

Felix loves the Castells , and you Can feel that when you are with him

he's a star teaching people in a fanny way.

I'm going to help him in the consultancy with clients and in the workshops

We've got the power !! :-).


+ info about Team Towers (in spanish)

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