Blog sobre el trabajo en red
Bienvenidos a la página personal de Alvaro Solache
Alvaro vive actualmente en Leon.
Trabaja en varios proyectos siendo teamtowers y a los que más tiempo dedica.
Puedes ampliar info sobre sus proyectos vía su curriculum
Este es un proyecto en el que la gente de Shuia participa como socio de la red.
La idea es desarrolar un servicio básico de desarrollo de entornos de gestión de procesos de publicación y gestión de la búsqueda, accesos y distribución de información que sea seguro y simple *.
Seguro:* Registro(huella) y propiedad definida de autoría y derechos( CC)
Si cuando navegas te duelen las muelas con algunas cagadas de usabilidad.
Si te te ponen los pelos de punta cuando ves como se desarrollan e integran sistemas como flickrty 43things Technorati, google, etc
Si sueñas ( como un ilúso) cuando lees y vives el valor de la folksonomy , de los wikis, los blogs, de como se mueve la información, de como se organiza la información, de como se distribuye la información, en definitiva...... de como fluye el conocimiento entre las personas...
Si tienes experiencia en hacer webs que parecen historias, novelas, aventuras,libros,sueños.
Si te gusta la simplicidad.
Si te gusta la creatividad, el trabajo bien hecho, la calidad de vida, el sentirte útil, la innovación, la tecnología, la filosofía, la psicología, la sociología, la economía, las leyes, la programación, el dibujo, la creación de guiones, la diversidad, el respeto, la paciencia, eres un poco payaso, o por lo menos sabes convivir con ellos, las utopías pragmáticas, la música, la comida hindú, libanesa, la pizza, alguna cocaola, el incienso, las plantas, los perros, la naturaleza, la paz, la amistad,
Si entiendes la importancia de los Standards cómo forma de comunicación entre diferentes sistemas.
Si te gusta hacer cosas locas, emocionantes, con cariño, divertidas, interesantes.
Si tu eres uno de ellos entoces para mi tu eres Shuia
Si cuando abro tu web no la puedo ver es tu culpa
Si cuando me descargo tu programa no funciona es tu culpa
Me sabe mal pero es así
Me voy a otro,
total ahora estoy a Cinco clicks de el:
Desde FireFox:
1-Control + T
2-introducir palabras clave en caja google de Firefox.
3-pulsar Ir
4-Ver resultados
5-Clickar a la competencia.
Yo quiero trabajar para que este 5 pase a 3.
Y luego a 2
Y luego a 1
Me parece divertido y creo que te puede hacer la vida más facil.
SUgerencia para mejorar la Folksonomy o Etiquetacion de la información por la gente.
Christina's LIS Rant: Many-to-Many: social consequences of social tagging : "What if when we're all tagging, we get a chance to choose from a list of tags relevant to our subject, that already have built-in crosswalks to other taxonomies? Say I do a lot of blogging in physics. Maybe when it's time to tag my pictures, links, and posts it should suggest tags from PACS or MSC or the Inspec Thesaurus but allow custom tags as necessary. Even if an established thesaurus isn't used, maybe there should be a list of common tags that you can search so that you can pick the right one or a tag checking function (you tagged this USA, UnitedStates is more frequently used, would you like to change?). I really don't think the wild west of tagging does much for precision or recall even if it does promote serendipity. (ok, and I have to also add that the blogger spell check keeps wanting to replace blogging with flogging... how funny is that?)
Tags, compulsion por compartir, categoriazar y el ego (ahamkara).
Conclusiones de un análisis de nos indica que la Taxonomía de mayor interés entre la Blogosfera de este servicio estructura la información de los links que van recogiendo a través de los siguientes tipos de etiquetas
-primarily subject descriptor keywords at various levels of specificity.
-Some are best described as genre or form descriptors, like “comics, humor, fun, photography.
-Tag apparently used for self-?organization and reminder (torad)
Sobre los Tags de Flickr se comenta lo siguiente;
The 150 most popular tags on Flickr are tabulated and listed on the site. As of November 19, 2004, this list included much of what one might expect as common subjects of photos: cat, friends, dog sky, sea, park, kids, garden, baby, building, flower, flowers signs, sculpture, city, vacation. Over 25% (41 out of 150) of the tags were proper place names like cities or countries. Colors were listed: yellow, green, blue, pink, orange, white, red. Years were also popular as tags, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 were present amongst the most popular.
Two tags of particular interest are “cute,” and “me.” This will be elaborated upon later, but I think these two terms reflect the dual nature of these systems: the compulsion to share - what is the Internet if not a venue for sharing cute photographs? - and conversely the importance of individuality and ego for these systems to work.
Prima la Categorización sobre la Clasificación:
Overall, although the term “classification” is often used in relation to these systems, and has been used in this paper, what is going on is more like “categorization.” Categorization is generally less rigorous and boundaries are less clear. It is based more on a synthesis of similarity than a systematic arrangement of materials (Jacob 2004). Most importantly, each document can have many terms associated with it. By contrast, classification schemes generally focus on providing a single classification to an item, and are very hierarchical and have clear relations. In a folksonomy the set of terms is a flat namespace: there are no clearly defined relations between the terms in the vocabulary.
Pero claro , la clasificación si que está, está en nosotros, en nuestros Roadmaps.
Y la Traca final en una diferencia conceptual a la hora de buscar:
Browsing vs. Finding
There is a fundamental difference in the activities of browsing to find interesting content, as opposed to direct searching to find relevant documents in a query. It is similar to the difference between exploring a problem space to formulate questions, as opposed to actually looking for answers to specifically formulated questions
¿Seremos capaces de ordenar las cosas en nuestra mente?
An important aspect of a folksonomy is that is comprised of terms in a flat namespace: that is, there is no hierarchy, and no directly specified parent-?child or sibling relationships between these terms. There are, however, automatically generated “related” tags, which cluster tags based on common URLs. This is unlike formal taxonomies and classification schemes where there are multiple kind of explicit relationships between terms. These relationships include things like broader, narrower, as well as related terms. These folksonomies are simply the set of terms that a group of users tagged content with, they are not a predetermined set of classification terms or labels."
An important aspect of a folksonomy is that is comprised of terms in a flat namespace: that is, there is no hierarchy, and no directly specified parent-?child or sibling relationships between these terms. There are, however, automatically generated “related” tags, which cluster tags based on common URLs. This is unlike formal taxonomies and classification schemes where there are multiple kind of explicit relationships between terms. These relationships include things like broader, narrower, as well as related terms. These folksonomies are simply the set of terms that a group of users tagged content with, they are not a predetermined set of classification terms or labels."
la limitación de los Metadata de autor:LE FALTA EL CONTEXTO(PROCESO)
Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication
Through Shared Metadata: " The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative has been used with some success in this area (Greenberg et al, 2002). Author created metadata may help with the scalability problems in comparison to professional metadata, but both approaches share a basic problem: the intended and unintended eventual users of the information are disconnected from the process."
Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata
Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication
Through Shared Metadata: " The creation of metadata has generally been approached in two ways: professional creation and author creation. In libraries and other organizations, creating metadata, primarily in the form of catalog records, has traditionally been the domain of dedicated professionals working with complex, detailed rule sets and vocabularies. The primary problem with this approach is scalability and its impracticality for the vast amounts of content being produced and used, especially on the World Wide Web. The apparatus and tools built around professional cataloging systems are generally too complicated for anyone without specialized training and knowledge. A second approach is for metadata to be created by authors. The movement towards creator described documents was heralded by SGML, the WWW, and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. There are problems with this approach as well - often due to inadequate or inaccurate description, or outright deception. This paper examines a third approach: user-?created metadata, where users of the documents and media create metadata for their own individual use that is also shared throughout a community."
En aparecen varios links sobre este tema que se define como el arte de categorizar colectivamente usando simples etiquetas en un campo de texto.
link: " the building blocks of an audio cd track are 2352 bytes long.
Those building blocks are also called sectors.
(2352 bytes = 588 samples = 1/75 second = 1 sector)"
I Work at"gec":htpp:// we create learning &knowledge management comunities for the major spanish corporations, we belong to "UOC Goup": the biggest online University from Spain. His home page is one of the most regarded web pagies in Spain.
I'm also creating an online social projects incubator caled "shuia": i'll give more information soon but i can say that it's a mix betwen Starbrucks & a Ideas centrifugator with many many projects who spread thought people ;-)
I espect to create many partial job oportunities in this city& his metropolitan area in 3 months
I'll look for partners for the many ideas who want to born in Barcelona
Suerte es uno de estos archivos que recibes para desearte buena suerte.
Para no romper la cadena, lo publico en mi weblog,
De esta forma consigo cumplir con mi premisa de no reenviar este tipo de mensajes, pero a la vez lo paso de forma indirecta para que lo mire quine quiera.
Es de estos mensajes ( en formato powerpoint) que dice una serie de citas y que comenta que si lo pasas a 20 personas tendrás suerte.
Pues mira, en las cosas ni creo ni dejo de creer, pero como estoy en un momento en el que toda la ayuda es buena, lo publico para no romper la cadena y si te apetece mirarlo pues encantado.
At Shuia We are thinking in a more social organization, that means that I'm not going to have a tooooo hight compensation but we'll have a lot to invest in projects we like.
People'll earn more or less money depending of the numer of hours they work.
The price for hour or the price for solution isn't still well defined but in some of the project we plan to pay the starting salary between 100 and 150€ per service.
The people who help to develop solutions with a "economias de escala" model should recieve part of the bennefits that the product developed coud give.
Elisabeth es una amiga de Nairobi con la que he establecido una interesante relación de intercambio de experiencias profesionales a través de la Red y el Teléfono ( no se como se lo hace pero las llamadas son gratuitas).
Ella es una persona ambiciosa, en el sentido de que debe tiene muchas ganas de aprender, entender, hacer cosas y progresar.
A demás tiene un caracter que promete jeejejeje, es tremenda.
Yo le explico lo que hago, comparto mis experiencias y al ayudo en lo que puedo.
Pero más allá de esto lo que más me gusta de esto es que es una experiencia fantástica porque cultiva una amistad y te hace sentir útil.
Bienvenidos al mundo del.....
Este es un concepto con el que trabajo desde hace un año en gec y que en esencia es muy sencillo.
Logicamente esto debe emarcarse en un marco de confianza
El tema del mentor es una de las vias que quiero trabajar con Shuia porque creo que ayudar sin esperar nada a cambio es una de las cosas más bellas que se puede hacer y hay mucho talento desperdiciado en este mundo que creo que hay que aprovechas.
Y bueno eso de no esperar nada a cambio de hecho es una hipocresía porque siempre ganas cosas.
Podemos por lo tanto decir que Elisbeth es mi Mentee.
Elisabeth Keep on track&have fun!!!!
PD: Remember We have agree that one day we'll sing a song together :-),
Neurona .com empieza a generar conversaciones, ahora solo hacer falta que sean útiles.
De hecho han mejorado en lo que respecta a la parte de comunicacion de su propuesta de Valor, antes no quedaba claro.
Pienso que neurona deberia hacer un poco de benchmark de el servicio de 43 things para mejorar su interficie de usuario, para , mejorar la EXPERIENCIA DEL USUARIO a la hora de encontar alo que busca, creo que hay demasiados pasos.